Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Go Isopods!

Have you seen this nasty thing? These were found off the coast of Britain, inside weaver fish. It's called the Tongue-eating louse (Cymothoa exigua). What it basically does it attaches itself to the fish's tongue and sucks the blood from it until the tongue atrophies, at which point it pretty much takes over as the fish's tongue. For the rest of the fish's life, it's tongue is this living creature. It does not harm the fish in any way, but I imagine the fish doesn't get many dates from that point on. At least, not many second dates.

Get this -- in Sofia, Bulgaria, Sports Minister Svilen Neikov ordered an investigation after the same lottery numbers were selected by the ball machine two weeks in a row. Turns out it was a coincidence, but come on, how crazy of a coincidence is that? And an unprecedented 18 people got those numbers right the next week. That might be the cause for concern, right there. Why the heck would 1 person pick the same numbers that just won last week, let alone 18? Seems like they knew something everyone else didn't. Who knows?

Those new re-mastered Beatles albums sold 2.25 million copies in 5 days. It just further proves what we already know; the Fab Four were the greatest band of all-time. They were great innovators in their time. Abbey Road probably sits somewhere in the Top 10 albums of all-time, with multiple others in the Top 100.

And, on a postally related note, a Massachusetts postal worker was arrested for stealing over 30,000 Netflix DVDs from the mailstream. What a friggin' moron! It's jerks like this that give the honest postal workers (like me, of course) a bad name. Netflix got suspicious when customers in the area were reporting over 100 movies a week not reaching their destination. Who the heck thinks a company wouldn't notice 100 movies a week? And of course, postal inspectors got involved, started watching, and saw him slipping them into his backpack.

Wait, what? What's he doing with a backpack? We've been told time and again, no backpacks or big coats on the workroom floor. It's so people aren't trying to run off with stuff. Sounds to me like he's not the only one who has a hard time following the rules.

Seems like I read every day about a worker caught doing something. The more of you that do something stupid, the faster the postal workforce gets down to a more economical level. So keep it up, bozos.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I began wondering the other day if Fruitopia was still around. We had a vending machine when I was in high school that had the stuff, and I drank quite a bit of the "Tremendously Tangerine" during the nights we spent editing the school video news. I was really wanting to get it again and see if it was as great as I remember it being. So, I looked it up. Wikipedia told me it was discontinued in 2001. Where the heck have I been?

And why the heck did the IGA take my Hot Links away again? This is sacrilege! I think it somehow stems from the fact that I hadn't bought any for a few months, and I was probably the only purchaser of them. I should lodge a formal complaint. At this rate, my best bet may just be to move to Johnsonville. All my favorites tend to disappear. Surge was on the map for a few years and then it vanished. Life has never been the same.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cylinder bars and snapping rolls...

So I am pretty sure that I just saw Betty the Cavatini Lady at Charleston Wal-Mart checking out at the express lane as I was walking in. At her age, I figured she wouldn't remember me, and she may have been panting like a dog, I wasn't sure, so I didn't approach her. Anyone who remembers her knows what an odd sort she was. She's in her 80s I'm sure, she always had me make her cavatini when she came in, she wore way too much lipstick and made sure you ended up with some on your cheek, and she had a gospel CD. And if you ever heard her sing, you'd probably be gouging your ears with sharp sticks. It was like the sound of a sheep dying.

Jules and I used to always say we were going to set her up with Ray Hall. Ray was another interesting character. He owned some company we quasi-made a website for. He illicited such phrases from Jules and I as "old man smell" and "put my cylinder bar in your snapping roll." I do believe he died last year though.

Time to tell you about my latest addiction, courtesy of a link posted on Facebook by my cousin Juli. It's called Sporcle. It's a site that has quizzes that are usually a category with a big list of correct answers, and a set amount of time to get as many as you can. For a trivia buff like myself, it's hard to find an online quiz site that doesn't have all multiple choice questions. Any trivia hound worth their weight in gold knows that multiple choice is the devil's spawn.

While I was at the Cardinals game they announced something as the "official something or other of the Cardinals". This got me to thinking, "I wonder if I could make money and let businesses become official products of me." So, businesses, here's your chance. I'll promote anything. Hemorrhoid cream, feminine hygiene products, suppositories, whatever.