Sunday, September 13, 2009

Cylinder bars and snapping rolls...

So I am pretty sure that I just saw Betty the Cavatini Lady at Charleston Wal-Mart checking out at the express lane as I was walking in. At her age, I figured she wouldn't remember me, and she may have been panting like a dog, I wasn't sure, so I didn't approach her. Anyone who remembers her knows what an odd sort she was. She's in her 80s I'm sure, she always had me make her cavatini when she came in, she wore way too much lipstick and made sure you ended up with some on your cheek, and she had a gospel CD. And if you ever heard her sing, you'd probably be gouging your ears with sharp sticks. It was like the sound of a sheep dying.

Jules and I used to always say we were going to set her up with Ray Hall. Ray was another interesting character. He owned some company we quasi-made a website for. He illicited such phrases from Jules and I as "old man smell" and "put my cylinder bar in your snapping roll." I do believe he died last year though.

Time to tell you about my latest addiction, courtesy of a link posted on Facebook by my cousin Juli. It's called Sporcle. It's a site that has quizzes that are usually a category with a big list of correct answers, and a set amount of time to get as many as you can. For a trivia buff like myself, it's hard to find an online quiz site that doesn't have all multiple choice questions. Any trivia hound worth their weight in gold knows that multiple choice is the devil's spawn.

While I was at the Cardinals game they announced something as the "official something or other of the Cardinals". This got me to thinking, "I wonder if I could make money and let businesses become official products of me." So, businesses, here's your chance. I'll promote anything. Hemorrhoid cream, feminine hygiene products, suppositories, whatever.

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