OK so it's been a really long time, but I promise, this blog is coming back with a vengeance! Expect 2 to 3 blogs a week, maybe even more if I get considerably long-winded or it seems like I am getting an audience.
Speaking of getting an audience, this blog comes with "Google Friend Connect". Please become one of my followers so that I can see what kind of a crowd is gathering to read the latest mumbo-jumbo spewing forth from my fingers.
I have been mentioning this just about everywhere, but I'll mention it here to anyone who doesn't pay attention to me enough -- if you're a game player in any way, shape, or form, you owe it to yourself to play Tichu. One caveat here is that the game MUST be played with 4 players in partnerships. Wikipedia's page on Tichu is a good place to get a crash course on what the game holds. I feel I'm pretty good at the game, and if lastnight was any indication, I was on the team that was a huge victor both times.
I think being an evil overlord sounds like a lot of fun. However, there are a list of dont's for evil overlords that many budding tyrants seem to forget about. This list should be posted on the door at Evil Overlord School: Top 100 Things I'd Do If I Ever Became an Evil Overlord.
I promise (hopefully) that this will be the only reference I make to the late Michael Jackson on my blog. You know the coolest thing about Michael Jackson that many people may not know? He had this outrageously large collection of arcade cabinets. Other than that, I don't care what you think of him. Here are some pictures.
I'll be back in another day or two, hopefully with a rant on something I find ridiculous.